Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Mini-Otter Update (MOU): It runs in the family

This morning, between the two of us, G and I read Chicka Chicka ABC to Otter at least seven to ten times. This would have been an even higher number except that I turned on the Wiggles show to distract Otter while I hid the book under a sofa cushion. (The first hiding attempt failed when Otter glimpsed his father sneaking the book out of the living room and wailed until it was returned and reread three more times.)

This hiding place, is, of course, inherited from my mother, who used to hide my Richard Scarry book--one of those big over-a-foot-tall books-- under the sofa cushions. At nine months old, (or so the story goes) I would drag the book out, find my mother, and shove it into her legs, grunting "Uhnnn! Uhnnn! UHNNN!" to indicate that she needed to read it to me yet again.

I do believe there is karma, and mine is catching up with me. Or perhaps it's time to give in and drag my Richard Scarry books out of my parents' attic for Otter.

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