Wednesday, May 25, 2005

I foresee more no's to come

Otter and I spent a few days with my family in Maine. G stayed home and worked. (Thank you for earning money, G, though we missed you!)

Upon returning last night, I was somewhat eager to co-parent again. Oh, who am I kidding? I was quite eager to have G do some solo parenting while I snuggled with my feet up on the sofa and incubated the second kid.

So G said he'd do the "put Otter to bed" portion of the program for the evening. Otter protested some, and I said to Otter I'd come in and kiss him goodnight and bring him his sippy cup of water. After I did so, I began to leave--as I'd told him I would--and Otter demanded, "No, Mama BED, Mama no go other room!"

I said, "yes I am going to the other room; Daddy will put you to bed; it's been many moons since Mama had a break."

Yes, I know, technically, it had been five days, not even one moon, but poetic license, right?

I don't, however, think that the inaccurate time frame was Otter's main objection when he responded, "NO moons, NO break!"

Postscript: Sadly for Otter, I nonetheless left him to struggle off to sleep with G's help. The sofa-lazing was just as lovely as I had hoped--actually, even more so, as, when G got done putting Otter to sleep, he brought me a fabulous plate of homemade burrito fixings with G's homemade mango salsa.

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