Friday, February 04, 2005

MOU: Otterish 101

Likkis: Music; he reverses the k and the s sound, and loses the M entirely, thus: "likk-is"

Targ: Guitar

Wahl-ler: Water

Brokk-ee: Broccoli

Rabb-ee: Kohlrabi (doesn't every kid use this one?)

Grump-ee: Grampy, his paternal grandfather; I have to say I like the way he makes that one sound, all happy and wistful.

Kilo or Kiley: We have no idea what this means, despite our best efforts and quizzing everyone from his grandparents to his daycare providers to random people on the street (okay, maybe not them, but I swear I'm asking the next telemarketer who calls) as to what it might mean

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