Friday, April 29, 2005

MOU: Otterish 102 (or, words Otter can't say properly, part II)

As I've noted before, Otter has some words that he pronounces in his own unique way. I know that experts often advise that you stringently continue to use the correct pronounciation for the word, even as your child mangles it, thus helping the child absorb the right way to say it.

Well, I, as with many many parents before me, find it just too compelling to adopt a few of the best Otterisms. I now say "gap-oom" instead of vaccuum, "guss-es" instead of asparagus, and occasionally say "lik-kis" instead of music.

I suspect he'll learn the correct way to say all of those in his own time (even if not from me), and that will be necessary and, in the long run, good. After all, do you know any teenagers who say "gap-oom?" I thought not.

But when that inevtiable changes occurs, I will miss hearing his small voice say "more guss-es, mama? More? Guss-es?"

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