Monday, October 25, 2004

MOU: a duck is a duck is a duck

This weekend Otter got two baths--pretty rare around here, especially as the second one was only a half day after the first, but he asked, making the BATH sign repeatedly after his lunch.

Once we had him in the tub, we realized we weren't sure where the duck spout cover was. So we draped a washcloth over the spout and were extra-vigilant to keep him safe.

Of course, Otter has no idea why we put the duck cover over the spout, and halfway through his bath, he picked up a small floating duck toy and sat it up on the spout, I believe on the theory that, hey, if the spout always has a duck on it, and we hadn't thought to put a duck up there, he'd do it for us.

This may also be part of his new interest in imaginative play. He has a frog bath toy that we took in to the living room when his bath was over, and this morning while I was checking laundry, I heard him talking to himself and looked in to see him placing the frog on gate to the kitchen, lifting it into the air, putting it back down, over and over, saying "Jumm, jumm."

Any of you who have read him "Jump, Frog, Jump" will recognize the reference.

I'm hoping that this will translate into more play time with his many and various stuffed animals.

In other bath-related news, he can now say "Elmo", which is bath-related news in that his Grampy and Grammy P gave him a vinyl waterproof bath book with Elmo giving a dog a bath. Of course, Elmo comes out as "Whelwo" as often as it does as "Ehmo", but his meaning is clear.

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