Thursday, October 21, 2004

MOU: letters... we get letters

Okay, letter, singular, but still...

This morning, about ten minutes after Otter woke up, as G was reading Chicka Chicka ABC (again), Otter looked down at the page showing j, k, l, m, n, o and p, and pointed to the o, and said "O" several times.

I heard it from the next room and came in to see; of course, when asked to repeat himself, Otter instead said "ball?"

But both G and I did hear it the first couple times, even if he refused to perform on demand. Whether he's learned it because we call the organic Cheerio-substitute-cereal we give him "O's" or whether he's learned it some other way (perhaps the Queen Latifah letter and Telly "O" song on the Learning about Letters DVD), he knows it.

I had thought C would be his first letter, especially given the "C is for Cookie" song, which apparently is legally mandated to be included on one of every three Sesame Street DVDs. I had been pointing out the C's in books to Otter--but no, he's starting with the ball-like letter O.

We can live with that.

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