Tuesday, October 26, 2004

VMOU (very mini Otter update): new words

Sorry for the late tiny post today; we sadly had to put one of our cats to sleep yesterday, and now I'm sick tonight with a fever. Never a dull moment.

I am gettting much work done on my dissertation this week, which is good news.

Anyway, Otter's new words today included "bubble," "Bert" (of Sesame Street fame), the signs for CHEESE, MAMA, CRACKER, and BABY. And this morning in bed he mimicked me clucking and snapping my fingers to get one of our cats to come over to me. It didn't work but I am sure it will eventually.

Plus when I asked him if he wanted to watch a DVD before dinner, he nodded yes. When I mused "so what should we watch?", Otter immediately said "Ehmo!"

His maternal grandmother was quite prescient in buying him a stuffed Elmo for this coming Christmas.

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