Friday, October 29, 2004

VMOU: How many bugs under the comforter?

I'm still sick and Otter's still cute. This morning he used his developing undressing skills to remove the neat pirate hat and vest that make up his costume for Halloween. (We knew better than to expect he'd leave the eye patch.)

He is still charming, and has now fallen in love with the "How Many Bugs in a Box" pop-up book we'd been saving until he got old enough to not rip it to shreds. He's doing pretty well at being gentle with it. G finally got it out this morning, and then had to read it to him six times in a row while I showered, and twice while we changed him; then I read it to him several more times before promising him grapes if he'd go eat breakfast.

While he was headed for his grape-promised land, I hid the bugs book under the comforter in the living room.

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