Cat's Parenting Journal

Tuesday, May 17, 2005


I should note that we're still working on a nickname for Otter's new sibling... briefly we considered "Badger" but upon doing some research we found that badgers are fairly fierce hostile antisocial creatures.

Then I proposed "Dolphin", only to be informed by G that at his college, a "dolphin" was a slang term for condom.

Again, not the image we were seeking.

So we're still working on it; until then the baby will just be Baby, for blogging purposes at least.

Counting my blessings

This past weekend our daycare provider's daughter had her second child, 8 weeks early, after many many weeks on bed rest for PROM (premature rupture of membranes). He weighs a bit more than 3 pounds and is in the NICU, getting help breathing and developing.

They've already had several scares since Saturday where they were told he wouldn't make it; come right away... and several moments of hope and thanksgiving, as he's getting better oxygen now.

If you're a praying sort of person, please pray for Otter's careprovider and for this grandbaby she already loves so much.

For me, I'll also be giving thanks that (crossing everything) our families are healthy and our child is healthy and our new growing 27 weeks along soon-to-be baby is, as far as we know, safe and healthy and NOT coming out early.

That would be just fine with Otter, who had a hissy fit one morning this week when G bent over my quite large pregnant tummy to say good morning to the baby. Otter yelled "No, No, NO! NO talk to baby!"

This is a new bossy phase for Otter, and we're working (mostly successfully) on enjoying it.

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