Sunday, October 31, 2004

MOU: more new words and signs

Otter just keeps adding signs and words, sometimes separately, sometimes together.

He now signs DOG (he's said dog for a week or two now), PHONE, PEAR (which he suddenly also says), BABY, SIT, and GORILLA with a fair amount of consistency. He says "tee" for train (as well as saying "choo choo") and "peepee" for pumpkin. He can name Sesame Street characters Telly and Herry (sometimes), says "BeeBee" for Big Bird, and points out the "girrrhhl" on the cover of one of his DVDs.

I think he's added "box" and "bag", but it's hard to tell between all the "buh" sounds he makes for varied words. Plus, he's putting an "r" on car and "balloon" is beginning to sound more like two syllables with a L and N sound mixed in somewhere. Barbara at daycare says he says "don't" when one of the other kids does something he doesn't like.

And he can say "tot tot" (or something like it) when he wants to play "trot trot."

If you're not familiar with it, it goes like this, while jogging the child on your knees:
Trot trot to Boston,
trot trot to Lynn
you better watch out
or you might... fall... INNNNN!
On that last line, you dip the child upside down.

Though usually he skips saying "tot tot" and just climbs onto his dad's lap and then bounces VERY hard (sometimes painfully so) and slaps his dad's chest as if to say "giddy up."

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